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Salvia divinorum: The Ultimate Guide

salvia trip explained

I figured if the settings were changed to a relaxed environment where I was surrounded by medical professionals, perhaps the nature of the trip would as well. But unlike psilocybin and LSD, Salvinorin A does not interact with serotonin-2A — a receptor in the brain that controls learning, appetite, and other active bodily processes. It actually binds to the kappa-opioid receptor, which reduces dopamine levels.

Experiencing a salvia trip is tricky. Here’s what to expect before, during, and after the process.

The weird thing is that, despite being frightening as hell, even these experiences can be enlightening. I’ve learned that dosage, mindset, and setting are the most important aspects of a good trip. It’s very likely salvia will be included in this shift towards legalization once again — due to the fact that there’s never been any evidence to suggest this substance is inherently dangerous or addictive. Traditional uses of salvia outside its application for divination included the treatment for diarrhea, headache, and rheumatism.

salvia trip explained

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The chew can be sweetened with sugar or Stevia extract to help with the bitter flavor. Salvia, or Salvia divinorum, is an herbal mint plant and a naturally occurring hallucinogen that is native to Mexico. When smoked, Salvinorin A is the most potent natural hallucinogen. A single dose in humans (ranging from 200- to 1,000-μg) rivals that of LSD in the way it hits your senses.

  1. Erowid’s list is divided into positive, neutral and negative effects; I’ve kind of lumped them all together, but I think it’s obvious which are positive versus which are negative.
  2. The Mazatec method of taking Salvia is a traditional method with historical roots.
  3. The sitter can also help during a challenging trip by reassuring you that what you’re experiencing is the effect of a plant, which will wear off.
  4. In minutes, the person should be approaching baseline again (knowing this can keep you calm and somewhat relieved during intense trips; remember it!).
  5. In traditional Mazatec ceremonies, the leaves were ground into a fine pulp, which was then infused into a liquid for consumption.

Spend at least 2 hours researching Salvia and Salvia safe use before using it.

I can see why the Mazatecs used it as a medicine, it’s infinitely the best medicine that this world possesses. It’s not like other medicines, it doesn’t remedy your body, or fix your mind, rather it acts as a guide to show you how to remedy your own life. Now, having had the experience, I feel better equipped to understand and interpret my problems and find solutions.

After smoking Salvia, it felt like everything in the world — myself included — was being dragged down and to the right, eventually forming a spiral or vortex, like everything was swirling on its way down some vast cosmic drain. Many people report this feeling of being dragged, and of experiencing a vortex sensation, as evidenced by the prevalence of spirals in Salvia-inspired art. Most other drugs or medications that act on the opioid receptors target a different type of receptor called the mu-opioid receptor.

To date, there are no known hangover effects for salvia use once it has worn off. Once a person swallows it, the gastrointestinal (GI) system will deactivate salvinorin A. The pharmacological side of the plant remained somewhat clouded until the 90’s when Daniel Siebert began research into the plant again. Since then, the main active compound of saliva – Salvinorin A – has been identified, although there is salvia trip explained still much to be discovered about the plant.

This method prolongs the effects of the Salvia past what most recreational users are looking for in the experience. This powerful, psychedelic plant is native to the moisture-rich cloud forests of Mexico and belongs to the sage genus. In fact, “Salvia divinorum” translates roughly to “Diviner’s Sage,” highlighting the drug’s spiritual characteristics and importance to native communities of Mexico. Of the many Salvia species, only Salvia divinorum contains the active compound Salvinorin A, which is responsible for inducing psychological effects. But despite humans’ desire to cultivate salvia, Dr. Addy made no bones about the drug’s fear-inducing qualities. But of all the psychedelics discussed, salvia—technically Salvia divinorum—was deemed special in terms of both the kinds of hallucinations experienced and the mechanism by which the drug affects the brain.

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